5 Secrets Your Access Control System Provider Doesn't Want You to Know

5 Secrets Your Access Control System Provider Doesn't Want You to Know

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When it comes to ensuring the safety of your business or property, an effective access control system is crucial. These systems allow you to control who gets in and out of your premises, providing a higher level of security than traditional lock-and-key methods.

Don't let a faulty door strike compromise your safety! Find out everything you need to know about this vital component of your home security system.

However, while access control providers might promise top-notch security solutions, there are some things they might not be so eager to divulge. This article will spill the beans on five secrets your access control system provider might not want you to know.

The Importance of Knowing

Before diving into the secrets, it's essential to understand why these points are critical for you. Being armed with this knowledge can help you make informed decisions and possibly save money, while ensuring your premises are as secure as possible.

1. High Markups on Hardware

Many providers often markup the cost of hardware such as card readers, biometric devices, and electronic locks. They might claim that these components are specialized or custom-made, justifying the high price tag.

Don't accept the first price you're given. Shop around, compare costs, and if possible, consider buying the hardware independently and then hiring a provider for installation and software support only.

2. Long-Term Contracts Are Not Always Necessary

Providers often encourage long-term contracts, arguing that these arrangements ensure continuous software updates and support. However, this might be more beneficial for them than for you.

Negotiate the terms. Opt for shorter contracts or, better yet, a month-to-month agreement that offers the same level of service and updates.

3. Proprietary Systems Lock You In

Some access control systems use proprietary software, which makes it difficult to switch providers or integrate with other systems without incurring additional costs.

Look for systems that use open-source software or established industry standards, ensuring future flexibility.

4. Not All Features Are Useful for You

Sales representatives often highlight a system’s extensive range of features. However, you might end up paying for functionalities you don’t really need.

List out your specific needs and look for a system that aligns with those. Don’t pay extra for features that are irrelevant to your security needs.

5. The Real Cost of Maintenance

Many providers gloss over the costs related to system maintenance, software updates, and potential hardware replacements.

Ask for a detailed breakdown of all potential costs over the lifespan of the system before making your final decision.


Knowledge is power. Being aware of these five secrets can put you in a better negotiating position and help you make more informed choices. You might not be able to avoid all pitfalls, but understanding what to look out for can make a significant difference in the quality and cost of your access control system.

Take Action

If you're in the process of selecting an access control system, or you're unhappy with your current provider, use this newfound knowledge to your advantage. Your security and peace of mind are too important to leave to chance.

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